
30 Days to Unstuck, Unstill, + Unleashed FREE Mini-Masterclass

Register for this FREE mini-masterclass to reignite your warrior spirit and prepare to jump. In this mini-masterclass you will get an hour of content to apply over 30 days to help you move toward the next step in your journey. Experience transformational mindset shifts that will help you take action in your life immediately.

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This Is Your Next Best Step

I know from experience what it is to feel stuck, still, and leashed. You may feel you have too many options or none at all. This is a risk-free opportunity to take a step in a new direction.

Experience Transformation

From the first lesson, you will experience a mindset shift that will help you see you are further along than you believe.

Reignite Your Passion

We will walk through the elements and principles of a warrior and how to apply them to reach your most audacious goals.

Implement Change Now

Learn some of the same techniques of high performers that I use with my coaching clients to drive transformational results.

What's Inside

30-Days to Unstuck, Unstill, + Unleashed Mini-Masterclass

This 60-minute mini-masterclass is designed to deliver maximum impact in the least amount of time with easy-to-digest lessons that you can implement right away. It also includes 30 days of prompts to help focus on daily greatness by incorporating what you've learned.





The Warrior Spirit Defined

  • The elements of the warrior spirit
  • The 7 Warrior Principles
  • The warrior types

Apply The Warrior Principles

  • The myth of the mid-life crisis debunked
  • Understand the power of your purpose
  • How you know that you're ready to jump
  • Jump from the comfort zone to the growth zone

30 Days of Daily Greatness

Use the daily greatness journal template to implement learnings and track your progress, celebrate, + calibrate.

Unlock a bonus to help keep you inspired on your journey to unstuck, unstill, + unleashed.

We Are All Born Warriors

mindset shift + action

Not Just Another

Free Course

Do I want your email address? Yes. In exchange for space in your inbox, I am providing you with value because I truly want to be of service. I sell things. And I give away more than I sell. I do this because we all have gifts. And for so many years, I was using mine the wrong way. I want to collapse time for you and help you unleash your warrior spirit. Additionally, I want to create a community of warriors to encourage one another on their journeys.

I am not attempting to sell anything in this course. There is not one commercial for my services. Maybe later though. JBH.

Discover The Warrior Within

If you're still struggling to believe you're a warrior, we'll go through the elements so you can identify them within yourself. 

Identify Your State Of Change 

Learn about the three main transformations and how the power of your purpose will help you make the jump.

Guided Implementation

Transformation comes through mindset shift and taking action. You will develop a success strategy and habitualize tactics.

Hi, I Am Nile

My superpower is helping individuals and businesses liberate their dreams from the confines of their minds. I work with businesses, entrepreneurs and professionals to transform your passion + purpose into P.R.O.F.I.T. (Prosperity, Results, Ownership, Financial Freedom, Income, Transcendency).

In these times, many of us are feeling unsure about what's next. Like you, I felt called to something, but I didn't know what or how to figure it out. And like you, I used the word stuck to describe it. The day came when staying the same was worse than pursuing the unknown. And I quickly came to the realization that I wasn't stuck. I was never stuck. I was still. And once I moved, the path (and peace) appeared.

The last thing I want to do is waste your time while you're in the process of getting back on track. In this guide I am giving away tangible techniques to implement TODAY, for free.

Use and enjoy! I'll see you on the other side.
