
Life Coaching

Unleash + Make The Jump

Does This Sound Familiar?

  • You feel stuck and uninspired.
  • Things you used to love no longer excite you.
  • You're faking it, but not making it.
  • You know there is something else for you, but what?
  • Your career or job feels small or confining.
  • Something is calling you to the future, but where + how?

Now you find yourself hustling and busy everyday, but you aren't sure what you're accomplishing. Are you scrolling through Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn looking at others' success wondering when it will be your turn? How do you get unstuck and make take the next best step in your life? Are you ready to level up, but can't see the pathway? You are ready to jump.

You know you are ready to jump, when your fear of staying the same outweighs your fear of change. Fear can be a friend, a foe, or a fire. 

I Understand.

I would check all of the boxes and wait for my reward. And when they didn't come I would double-down and invest even more time in getting better and proving myself. My life became about others' plans and opinions of me to validate my worth.

It Is Not Your Fault. We Are All Taught The Same Thing.

We're told if we follow Plan A - graduate from high school, go to college, get a good job, work that job until we retire, then wait around to die - we'll have a good life.


Plan A wasn't meant to benefit us, it was meant to benefit from us. We get to be more than one thing in this life.

Wow! Do you know what that means?

You are not alone.

You Are Now In The Jump Zone. 

If You Are Ready To...

  • Define a clear path for your life
  • Use your gifts to unlock your full potential
  • Lose the wait and gain control of your life 
  • Make the jump to the other side of fear
  • Accelerate your results

...then it's time to invest in yourself and your dreams and give up the myth that you have to be one thing in this life.

Because the truth is, the wealthiest and most successful people are not one thing. They have leveraged their gifts and taken control of their destiny.

I have combined my two decades of professional experience and eight years of formal education into the J.U.M.P. Framework - no matter the dream, I can coach you to and through it.

Think About...

  • Celebrating that next big win sooner
  • Achieving or exceeding your goals faster
  • Attracting more opportunity into your life
  • Taking control of your destiny
  • Having even more confidence in your yourself

Imagine feeling unstuck and living in your passion + purpose.

Get Unstuck. 

Embrace Your Superpower. Ignite Your Passion.

Create The Life You Want.

What is the Warrior Unleashed Life Coaching Program?

Insert Video

Warrior Unleashed Life Coaching is a structured approach that brings together powerful best practices in online learning and the science-backed techniques of high performers.  

Prior to each session, you will complete a short video lesson and refer to the workbook for the corresponding exercises.

My goal is to work with you to get practical and tactical about unleashing your warrior spirit. The program comes in two options - the 90-Day Power-Up and the 8-Week Intensive. These two options offer the same content and amazing breakthroughs over different time periods to fit your schedule.

Personal Clarity & Vision

Recognize your gifts and clearly define the goal + results you wish to achieve.

Detailed Action Plan

Set SMART goals and implement accountability principals of high performers.

Deeper Insight

Gain understanding of your opportunities, challenges, and how to capitalize on change.


The JUMP Framework adapts to your vision while focusing on delivering outcomes.

Who Are You?

A professional or individual with an unrealized dream for your life who is ready for transformative growth.



Life Changer


  • Ignite your warrior spirit by embracing your superpower and leveraging it for change.
  • Shift your mindset and gain clarity on your personal vision, mission, and your why.
  • Identify and release self-limiting beliefs that are standing between you and your results.
  • Make the jump to the other side of fear + foolishness to unlock your full untapped potential + level up.
  • Stop playing small and conforming to rules and values you don't believe in, and move yourself physically + mentally.
  • Be present in your life and create habits that serve you and propel you toward the success you desire.

No Cliches Here!

Warrior Nation! There is not enough room here to properly summarize the depth of Nile’s expertise. Nile is uniquely positioned to leverage her depth of experience in corporate America and personal triumphs to motivate her “Warrior Nation.” Iamnileharris.com is the right place for those looking to take the leap and bet on themselves. Ms. Harris cultivates and guides those to become their best selves and not just in the cliched way which has become far too common. By providing her clients with actual tools she has helped me and so many others reach the next level.

I'm Still Impacted By Your Coaching

Nile’s approach focused on accountability and tied it to my personal and professional progression. She consistently aligned my overarching goal to the weekly development plans. I strongly recommend Nile to anyone that’s looking to take their personal and professional endeavors to a higher level.

Angela J. White Smith Ja'neen Elliott Marketing Agency
EH Education Executive

The J.u.m.p. 


  • Eliminate guesswork using guided exercises to uncover roadblocks.
  • Get clear about your goals and gifts to help you stop waiting and take action.
  • Accelerate results using science-backed techniques of high performers.


Hi! I Am Nile


I am in the radical and inconvenient truth business so I get it.

I've made many jumps in my personal and professional life. The biggest leap of them all was starting my own company. If you read my story, you know that I was fully committed to Plan A. I went to college, got a good job, and checked all of the boxes until I saw the glitch in the matrix and realized Plan A was not meant to benefit me, it was meant to benefit from me. 

Life became challenging, but mainly in my mind. Something was burning inside of me, but I didn't know how to let it out. And then one day, the only choice seemed to be to unleash it. 

That was the first step to taking control of my destiny.

I love to see people win. My why is to do good in the world by helping do-gooders do good in the world. 

You are here because you are ready for more. You know in your heart that you deserve more. Right now you stand on a cliff fearful to jump but no will to turn back. That is the jump zone. 

The radical and inconvenient truth is only you stand between today and the tomorrow you are called to.

I love her passion...

I just met Nile and you got to love her enthusiasm. More importantly, I love her passion for helping people create healthy habits. If you need to create habits that serve you, you can't do any better than to talk to Nile.

Sean O. Executive Leadership Coach

Warrior Unleashed Life Coaching Program

Sneak Peek

8 Live Sessions Delivered Over 90 Days or 8 Weeks

+ Session Video Content + Preparation Guides

Professional Goals

Life changes

New Ventures

Live Fully

Session 1: welcome and goal-setting

You will complete a questionnaire prior to the first live advising and coaching session with me. Tell me all about you and the goal you want to achieve during our time together.

Session 2:  address self-limiting beliefs

We will discuss your self-limiting beliefs, the source of those beliefs and create a plan of action to combat those thoughts when they arise.

Session 3: deal WITH comparison

By examining the ways you compare yourself to others and the impact, you will be able to focus on what makes you unique and uncover your gifts.

Session 4: Release conformity + mid-point check-in

In what ways do you conform to societal, professional, or familial norms and values that are holding you back from embracing your gifts? Think of this as You 101.

Session 5: create habits that serve you

Habits are neither good or bad; they serve you or they don't. We'll surface habits that are not serving you and modify them to become an ally in your success.

Session 6: action plan + success mapping

We will take a moment to recommit to the goal and make modifications. And we will create a detailed and specific plan of action that encompases everything you learned so far.

Session 7: time to measure + celebrate + calibrate

You will begin to experience some early results. We will take time to measure your progress, celebrate the wins, and modify the plan if necessary to keep you on track.

Session 8: exercise daily greatness

During this session we will check-in on your plan, explore the impacts of habits that serve you, and celebrate your wins. This is not the end, you will commit yourself to your daily action plan.

Each session builds on the previous one. We won't do "catch up" sessions. You must be sure you are ready to embark on this journey of radical and inconvenient truth. And I believe that you are.

My Superpower Is Helping You Liberate Your Dreams From The Confines Of Your Mind

To Be A Warrior Is Not The Exception, It Is The Rule

Stop thinking that being a warrior is reserved for extraordinary feats of courage, bravery, or success. Every person comes into this world with a warrior spirit. Over time the warrior's voice can become drowned out by the sounds of fear, doubt, and other noise. 

It never goes away. Your warrior spirit never left you. It only waits for you to call it forth. You have a warrior's weapon (your superpower) that you use on your warrior's quest (your purpose) which is fueled by the warrior's flame (your passion).

The flame can be reignited. And we will do that together.

This isn't a generic one-size-fits-all approach. The J.U.M.P. Framework will help us customize a success blueprint just for you and your life. 

Because this is one-on-one live coaching, I only work with a few people at a time. Act now to secure your spot.

She helped me, she can help you too...

Nile taught me so much about habits. They're neither good or bad. I didn't know that. I was pushing myself thinking I had bad habits. But they're neutral. She is such a good, kind, and knowledgeable person about health and wellness. She's helping me, she can help you too.

Faith M. Author

You Aren't Stuck, You're Still. When You Jump, The Universe Will Rise Up To Meet You.

Warrior Unleashed 

Life Coaching 

The 90-Day Power-Up or 

The 8-Week Intensive

  • Structured High Performance Coaching Plan
  • Develop A Customized Plan of Action
  • Educational Content To Drive Results

Eight 50-Minute Live Sessions

You + I will have eight 50-minute sessions to discuss your goals, challenges, and make plans.

24/7 Access to Learning Portal

Results are accelerated + enhanced with manageable pre-work essential to our live sessions.

Coaching Emails Between Sessions

Between sessions, you will be able to send me one email for feedback or to answer questions.

I speak with each applicant to ensure it's a good fit. Each session builds on the previous one. We won't do "catch up" sessions. You must be sure you are ready to embark on this transformational journey of radical and inconvenient truth. And I believe that you are.

Are These Beliefs Holding You Back?

You can not fix a problem using the same mindset that created it. Seize the opportunity for self-mastery and claim your breakthrough. We are all born with a warrior spirit driven by our purpose and fueled by our passion.

It's not a good time or you're not ready yet.

You will be waiting on the right time for forever. When you are in the jump zone, the time is now. Growth and comfort do not occupy the same space.

The investment is too expensive.

What is not investing in yourself costing you? With every passing day you are gaining wait and you are another day behind in realizing your dreams.

It's too late to change my life, career, dreams.

As long as you have breath in your body, you can change your life and take control of your destiny. The only question is, how much are you willing to do?

Is Warrior Unleashed Life Coaching For You?

Your success is my success. I want every participant to achieve amazing results. Let's make sure it's a good fit for you.

This program is for you if you...

  • Are ready to take a step into the unknown and face some radical and inconvenient truths about yourself.
  • Are prepared to invest your resources in you and your future to gain control over your destiny. 
  • Prefer a structured program versus free form sessions where the topic could change weekly.
  • Are more afraid to stay the same than change.

This program not for you if you...

  • Don't have a specific goal in mind that you want to accomplish in the next few months.
  • Don't have at least $27/day to invest in yourself.
  • Aren't prepared to commit the time necessary to do the preparation work and be present during sessions.
  • Want to change or "customize" the structure of the program. The techniques are meant to be applied as is.

Where Will You Be One Year From This Moment?

You can stay where you are now, gaining wait.

  • Still searching the internet for answers.
  • Keep doing the same things and getting the same results.
  • Still watching YouTube and endless webinars with 10 to 15 minutes of good content.
  • Waiting until you can invest more.
  • Waiting until you're ready.
  • Continuing to believe you can learn and do everything on your own.
  • Living in frustration because you are so good at what you do, but no one knows it or cares.
  • Watching others' highlight reels while you compare them to your bloopers.

Or you can walk through the door and commit to your success.

  • Trust yourself that you are making a wise investment in the life that you want.
  • Make the jump to the other side of fear and foolishness and experience transformative growth.
  • Work with me directly and reap the benefit of more than two decades of experience.
  • Gain clarity, set goals, and get the right stuff done the right way.
  • Learn from my successes and past learnings (mistakes) and flatten your learning curve.
  • Benefit from an accountability system and partner who is invested in your success.

You Have Questions, I Have Answers

How is the Warrior Unleashed Life Coaching different?

First, the Warrior Unleashed Life Coaching program is working with me directly. It's not a course. We will co-create a success blueprint for your experience.

Second, I'm not a sudden expert. I'm a real person who has coached award-winning teams and individuals to level up in their careers and life. With more than two decades of experience, I have made many jumps in my life successfully. Each one was scary. And each one was more transformative than I could have imagined. My point, I'm not just telling you what to do, I have done it myself. I am a real person with a real resume on LinkedIn.

Third, I believe in coaching. I have taken time to expand my learning. I am a coach. I have a coach. Some of my coaches have been great, while others were okay. One of them was pretty bad. She didn't start that way, but as I grew and evolved, she didn't keep pace with me. Plus, she was a terrible listener. 

Fourth, my program isn't ad hoc. This is a structured program that takes you step-by-step through my J.U.M.P. framework designed to help you uncover mental obstacles in your path, create a plan for yourself, and execute.

What is the process to get started with Warrior Unleashed Life Coaching right now?

Because I only work with a limited number of individuals at a time, there is an application process. I speak with each applicant to ensure this program is a good fit. Rest assured, if I feel a different route would be better for you, I will advise it. When I started in medical device sales my field trainer told me, "if you focus on doing what's right for the patient, the sales will come."

He wasn't wrong. I ❤️ to see people win. Click to apply and you will be given the opportunity to schedule time with me to chat about your goals. You'll also see a form where you can share some details so I can come prepared for our discussion.


What is included with the program?

It includes eight 55-minute live advising and coaching sessions with me where we will discuss your preparation work for the session's topic. Each session has video content and a preparation guide. You will also have the opportunity email me one time between sessions. Plus you will receive templates to help you create your plans of actions. Of course, you are free to use your own templates and tools that you are familiar with.

Wow, 20+ years of experience is great, but the world is different. Why you?

To always be learning is one of the keys to success. I ❤️ to learn and try new things. I'm a multipotentialite unicorn swiss army knife. In english, that means I'm highly agile, I can assimilate new information quickly, and, as my Area Sales VP said, I can execute flawlessly. That comes from a willingness to learn, do, fail, do again. I take courses, I receive coaching, and I stay current with trends and latest techniques by participating in organizations such as startup incubators. I practice what I preach. When I needed a creative outlet, I learned how to make websites. I made this website. It's not perfect, but nothing is. Done is better than perfect.

How do I know if this program is right for me?

Great question!  Are you ready to commit to an accountability system and get stuff done? Then yes, this is for you. If you want a more structured performance coaching experience that is based in proven techniques, this is for you. 

It will take time to prepare for each session. The prep time is typically around 30 minutes, but you may want to give yourself an hour to really think through the answers. 

Because each session builds on the previous session you must be prepared to do the work. We will not have make-up sessions, we will move on to the next topic.

Ultimately, in order to know if this program is right for you, apply today and let's chat. And it's okay if we're not a fit for one another.

What happens after the program is complete?

You can take your success blueprint and continue to execute your plan with me cheering you on with the occasional checks to see how you are and share new resources. Or you can sign up for another eight sessions where we will continue to work on the same goals or start on new ones. 

Also, now that you will be familiar with the structure, we can be more flexible with your sessions. There is no need to repeat content we've already covered unless you want to.

What is the difference between the 8-Week Intensive and the 90-Day Power-Up?

Excellent question. 

You have your choice when it comes to the length of the program. The 8-Week Intensive and the 90-Day Power-Up provide the exact same content over two and three months. The choice truly depends on your time availability and flexibility.

In the 8-Week Intensive we meet every week. You are provided one make-up session provided you cancelled in the appropriate amount of time. This is for people who know they have the bandwidth to complete the program in eight weeks and want to accelerate their results. 

In the 90-Day Power-Up your sessions are split up over three months. It allows for more flexibility if you have a busy schedule and you know you can't meet every single week. There is one make-up session provided the session was cancelled in the appropriate amount of time.

You cannot switch once the program has started given the impact of the schedule change to me. Because this is live one-on-one work, I only work with a limited number of people at any given time.


What are the rules?

Great question. We'll cover the guidelines of the coaching program during our consultation, but here are some general things to know:

  • Sessions cancelled with less than 24 hours notice are forfeited. There will be no make-ups or refunds.
  • The program can't be customized if this is your first time coaching with me.
  • It is your responsibility to keep up with the prep work. We will have our session whether or not you did the prep work.
  • There are no refunds once the program has started. 
  • There is a payment plan option. However, because the content is made available to you as we go, we will not start your sessions until paid in full.
  • Email coaching is defined as one email to me and one reply from me.


 My W.H.Y. Is To Do Good In The World By Helping Do-Gooders Do Good In The World.

Will You Be Next?

I ❤️ To See People Win. Will You Join Me?

I Work With Businesses, Entrepreneurs + Professionals To Transform Your Passion + Purpose Into P.R.O.F.I.T.
