How to Come Out On Top When Shift Happens

February 17, 2020

Nile Harris

Hi! I'm Nile

My vision is to change the world one dream at a time, starting with yours.

I love change. No. Really. Not in the same way I love my dog, but I love the opportunity change presents. Disruption provides the occasion for the prepared to capitalize on change, accelerate results, and make their mark. According to Darwin, those who can adapt to their environment the best and fastest are the most fit. Or said more eloquently by Leon C. Megginson, “it is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.” 

Disruption provides the occasion for the prepared to capitalize on change, accelerate results, and make their mark.

Humans don’t like change all that much. In reality, it’s our brains that don’t like change. The brain’s primary job is to keep us alive. If everything is working as it should, the brain sees no need for change. When you attempt to change, the mind will fight against you in the form of little voices that sing a chorus of “but you can’t.” Adapting to change isn’t only a workplace skill, it’s a life skill. We fight against change out of fear of the unknown. We rather the Devil we know instead of the Devil we don’t. 

Through my career and life, I have managed through all sorts of changes. I believe change is good, but that doesn’t stop the firestorm of little voices saying the unknown world is fraught with catastrophe. Here are some secrets to acclimating when shift happens.

Read The Tea Leaves

One of the reasons I and many others are good at adapting to change is that we see it coming. Read as many signs as possible. This skill comes from being a good listener and making connections where there seemingly aren’t any. There will be things, of course, that you don’t see coming. Being a constant observer of human behavior, though, will give you plenty of clues. Have an extensive network, and be sure to catalog information somewhere in the back of your mind. Many people will have small pieces of a larger story. If you can put the pieces together correctly, you’re ahead of the game and can begin preparing your adaptation strategy. Many changes didn’t rattle me because, frankly, I saw them coming. I stayed ready, so I didn’t have to get ready. 

Embrace The Suck

Sometimes change is straight, no chaser. Especially when the disruption comes about without warning. Our natural inclinations are to push back against the change immediately and begin harping on why it’s horrible. Go ahead, do that for a day or two, then get on with the business of embracing the suck. It may very well be the worst decision on the planet ever made in recorded history, but you probably have very little power to change the change. So while everyone else is complaining about it, embrace it and begin working on your strategy of how you will operate in the new world order. What we focus on expands. If we focus on how bad a situation is, it will continue to get worse. When we focus on the resolution of a situation, solutions will come out of thin air. The more energy you give to fighting the change, the more tired you will become.

Be The Calm In The Storm

Whether the change is good or not, there will be noise. There will be complaints, push back, and all-out Armageddon, depending on what it is. Don’t let that be you. After you have embraced the suck, the next step is to control your energy. If you have to meditate to make that happen, so be it. Resist the urge to jump on the negativity dog pile. 

Resist the urge to jump on the negativity dog pile.

People gravitate toward calm. But this generally elicits two reactions. One reaction is that people will look to you for leadership. They see your lack of concern and want to be as calm as you. The other response will be for some to think there is something wrong with you. Misery loves company. They will try to bring you down to their level. They may even go so far as to bad mouth you behind your back. This reaction is, generally speaking, that of a person who is insecure in their role or their leadership abilities. They see people gravitating toward you, and they don’t like it. Regardless, continue to be the calm in the storm. You will feel better, and so will those around you. Plus, you can make better decisions about your options.

Make Good Choices

When change happens, it brings about opportunities. Some of those opportunities will serve you, and some won’t. By getting control of your mind and energy, you clear the path to evaluate your options objectively. Sometimes it doesn’t serve you or anyone else to be the hero of the situation, and sometimes it does. 

Don’t allow others’ perceptions, energy, or reactions to define yours. You have to look at yourself in the mirror and feel good about the choices you make. If you feel strongly you can navigate the changing environment, great, go for it! If you think you can’t, that’s okay too. Evaluate the situation either way carefully. Don’t jump in too soon or out too quickly. When I say make good choices, what I mean is make the best choice for you to thrive, not merely survive.

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About Nile

Nile Harris is coach, advisor, educator, and speaker working with businesses, entrepreneurs, and professionals to transform their passion and purpose into P.R.O.F.I.T. by helping them unleash their warrior spirit and making the jump.