Let’s Have Real Talk About Entrepreneurship

February 24, 2021

Nile Harris

Behind the flashy memes of luxury cars and expensive clothes lives the truth about being an entrepreneur. Though entrepreneurship has been around since forever, it’s having a moment right now. Apparently, to be an entrepreneur means spending most of your time on a beach or continually emerging from a luxury vehicle dripping in jewels and tailored suits.

I don’t know about you, but I’m still waiting for all of that to happen. In the meantime, I’m putting in work. And that is really what being on your own is all about.

Though starting a business is on-trend right now, it does have real advantages. Betting on yourself can power your personal economy. And it comes with some f*ck this moments.

And that’s what we’re here to discuss today.

The entrepreneurship memes’ truth is that it can be lonely, frustrating, and a running conversation in your mind about how bad you are at it. You have to wear all of the hats. And even if you can hire people, you have to be sure they’re wearing the right hats. Plus now you’re responsible for other human beings. *gulp*

The fantastic thing about being an entrepreneur or freelancer, or a side-hustler, is that it is a pathway to professional freedom. And, if done well, it can generate avenues to wealth and financial freedom.

And yes, working for someone else or in a company can lead to financial freedom, but you must be intentional about it.

For those of us who pursue the calling (or do it because we don’t like Plan A anymore), we can take action to overcome the challenges of being a lonely entrepreneur.


  • Stop comparing
  • Take a break, don’t stop
  • Remember your why
  • Ask for help
  • Celebrate the wins
  • Self-Care is everything

Let me know how I can be of service. I am an executive and life coach, business advisor, educator, and speaker working with businesses, entrepreneurs, and professionals to transform their passion and purpose into P.R.O.F.I.T. by helping you unleash your warrior spirit and make the J.U.M.P. If you’re ready to pivot in your career or level up in your business, take a look and apply for my Warrior Unleashed Coaching and Advisory programs

About Nile

Nile Harris is coach, advisor, educator, and speaker working with businesses, entrepreneurs, and professionals to transform their passion and purpose into P.R.O.F.I.T. by helping them unleash their warrior spirit and making the jump.