How To Start Building Your Brand

May 19, 2021

Nile Harris

When you’re getting started with a new business, or even if you’ve been at it for a while, there are fewer things that generate angst more than determining your brand. As a business advisor and coach, one of the questions I receive the most is about how to build a brand. And it typically takes the form of “okay, what now?”. 

And it doesn’t matter if you’re a solopreneur or a small business, you need a brand (and eventually a strategy). In this video, I am breaking down the answer to this question into two parts. First, we need to use the right terms to mean the right things. That means understanding the difference between branding, communications, and marketing. Second, I am providing some critical elements you need to get started with developing your brand. Hint: it’s not the logo or colors. 

In short:

  • Brand is the story.
  • Communications tells the story.
  • Marketing sells the story. 

And here are simple things you can do to develop a brand from scratch. Or, if you already have a brand established and want to take it to the next level, these are the elements you should ensure your brand contains. 

  • What’s your why
  • Know your customer
  • What experience do you want your customer to have
  • What do you want to be known for
  • Telegraph your commitment
  • Define your messaging
  • Create a logo and choose colors
  • Be consistent!

The video provides more detail on this list.  Here are some key takeaways you don’t want to miss.

  • Most people want to jump straight to the physical expression of the brand (logo and colors), but that’s a mistake
  • Consumers don’t care as much about colors and logos as they do about one thing so many brands do wrong
  • Showing commitment to your business in several ways is also an expression of the brand that gets overlooked

I would love to hear your thoughts on building a brand and any insights you have from experience. Also, what are some of your favorite brands, and why. If you found this helpful, please share with your communities and subscribe to my free weekly e-newsletter with content to help you unleash your warrior spirit and transform your passion and purpose into P.R.O.F.I.T.

About Nile

Nile Harris is coach, advisor, educator, and speaker working with businesses, entrepreneurs, and professionals to transform their passion and purpose into P.R.O.F.I.T. by helping them unleash their warrior spirit and making the jump.