5 Signs You Are Addicted To Pain And What You Can Do About It

June 3, 2021

Nile Harris

According to Mentalhelp.net, addiction can be defined as Addiction is the repeated involvement with a substance or activity, despite the substantial harm it now causes, because that involvement was (and may continue to be) pleasurable and/or valuable. 

We are all familiar with being addicted to substances such as drugs. We don’t tend to consider our emotions as something we can become addicted to. The same chemical reaction occurs in our brain regardless of the stimulus. We get triggered and we take a specific action. That action then results in the reward center of the brain receiving doses of happiness hormones that reinforce the trigger-action combination. And then we start to repeat the action because it makes us feel good. And it doesn’t matter to the brain if that action serves us or not. 

When I coach clients to help them make the jump to the other side of fear and foolishness, we begin by identifying their mindset, the source, and how their actions are keeping them stuck. Fear is internal. It’s how we process information about ourselves through our self-limiting beliefs and the violence we inflict upon ourselves through the act of comparison. Foolishness is how our fear manifests through our actions. And those actions become habits that, over time, we can become addicted to without even knowing. And so we can become addicted to the pain that comes from those actions. And because it happens without our knowing, we can miss the signs we are addicted to pain. 

In this video, I shared five signs that you are addicted to pain and what you can do to combat it.

Here’s a sneak peek at this list:

  1. You compare yourself to others and get angry with their success.
  2. You attribute your stuckness to external forces.
  3. You repeatedly do that which brings you no joy.

Check out the video for signs 4 and 5. The last one will have you gasping for air. Most people see number five as a positive until they learn this one thing. 

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About Nile

Nile Harris is coach, advisor, educator, and speaker working with businesses, entrepreneurs, and professionals to transform their passion and purpose into P.R.O.F.I.T. by helping them unleash their warrior spirit and making the jump.