10 Things To Know About Working With Me
My Warrior Ethos
Everything Begins With Why
My why is to do good in the world by helping do-gooders do good in the world.
I Do It Out Of 
I love to see people win.
Progress Over Perfection
I make mistakes. And I learn from them. I rather move forward in imperfection than remain stagnant seeking a perfection that I will never reach. I will always give you my best in that moment.
Your Bliss Is My Bliss
Your experience working with me is extremely important. I strive for transparency and to create systems that support your success.
Dreams Are Meant To Be Liberated
A dream realized can change the world. Your dream was placed in you for a reason, to impact the world. My superpower is helping you liberate your dreams from the confines of your mind.
Warriors Are Meant To Be Unleashed
We all face challenges in life that freak us out! I am no different. When I made the jump without a plan, I had to rely on my Warrior Spirit to carry me through. And now I want to help you make the jump personally or professionally so you can unlock and realize your full potential.
My Content Is Inspirational + Informational + Implementable
When you're starting something new, it can be overwhelming and intimidating. I've started lots of new things and had the benefit of years of formal education, and over two decades of professional experience. I want to give away a lot of my learnings to flatten your learning curve and accelerate your results.
And I Sell Things Too
A lot of thought and research goes into creating my premium content and services. My goal is to turn you into a raving fan by helping you raise and exceed your expectations. This allows me to continue to create valuable free content, hire other small businesses to help me, and contribute to doing good in the world.
Radical + Inconvenient Truths
I am not for everyone, and that's okay. You can't change what you don't first acknowledge. And sometimes it can be messy work. We'll get into radical and inconvenient truths always delivered with compassion.
Let's Have Fun + Be Good!
Most important, I