Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. Whether you’re considering leaving your current job, starting a business, asking for a raise, or going skydiving, you have likely weighed the pros and cons of taking action. You’ve probably also come up with 100 reasons why you shouldn’t do it. Here are eight reasons why you’re probably more ready than you think to make the jump out of your comfort zone.
#1 – You can’t stop daydreaming about it – whatever ‘it’ is.
During meetings or conversations with others, you check out and envision what life would be different. While you’re supposed to be working, you may slide over to Google to do some research on how you can make it happen. More importantly, you see yourself in a future state.
#2 – You’re sick and tired of being sick and tired.
That is all.
#3 – The fear of staying the same is greater than the fear of change.
For me, this was the catalyst. I was miserable at my job, where I was berated every day. I knew I couldn’t go one more week under these conditions, and I was afraid of what it made me if I stayed, even if it meant quitting without another job.
#4 – You feel awake.
Think about a movie you love. Even though you’ve seen it dozens of times, you still notice new things. Well, now you’re starting to notice new things in everyday life you hadn’t. Maybe you discovered there’s a park on your way to work, and you decide to take afternoon walks during lunch. Everything is bright and vibrant. Just like your favorite movie, nothing has changed other than your perspective.
#5 – The sense that something more exists is unshakeable.
Some people describe a feeling that something is pulling them or they are being called to something. Maybe it’s a business or an incredible adventure. I experienced this when I finally went to Egypt. It was on my mind all of the time.
#6 – Others around you aren’t learning or growing.
Who you surround yourself with is just as important as what you do. If your friends, families, co-workers aren’t actively stretching themselves and you’ve become aware of it, you may find yourself looking for new outlets for creativity or discussion.
#7 – Your interests begin to change.
What once pleased you seems dull or doesn’t challenge you anymore. Or perhaps by learning new things, your mental palette has expanded. You’re reading more and taking online courses. When we’re students in school expected to expand our horizons, but after we get a job, there’s an unspoken expectation that we stop. That our fate is locked in until we die. We actually continue to evolve, but rarely act on those changes in interest out of fear.
#8 – You don’t suck at anything you care about.
In other words, you’ve probably done something for so long you’ve become master at it. And that’s great. However, it means you’re no longer actively learning and challenging yourself. Mastery is an excellent opportunity to challenge yourself by trying something new.
When you’re experiencing these eight signs, you may be in what I call the Jump Zone. You haven’t entirely made the jump yet, but you are poised and ready to leave the confines of your comfort zone. Growth and comfort don’t co-exist. If you’re standing on the precipice ready to jump, but still aren’t sure, go ahead. Everything you desire is on the other side of fear. The fear is there to let you know what you’re pursuing is worth it.
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